# Linux terminal programs Favorite command line apps on a Raspberry PI or other linuxes Synology, Proxmox, Debian etc ## Initial setup sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y # File managers ## mc https://superuser.com/questions/600545/how-to-display-normal-date-time-in-midnight-commander For Syno https://think.unblog.ch/en/how-to-install-midnight-commander-on-synology-nas/ https://packages.synocommunity.com/ sudo apt install mc -y ## ranger sudo apt install ranger -y ## byobu byobu is text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-byobu-for-terminal-management-on-ubuntu-16-04 sudo apt install byobu -y exit - close window byobu list-windows byobu kill-window -t 3 byobu exit Ctrl + a then d then type ## tmux tmux - linux screen multiplexer, alternative to screen. Works with byobu. - Hotkey CTRL+b - % - spilt vertical - " - spilt horisontal - Arrows to move focus sudo apt install tmux -y # Monitors ## hardware info ### inixi sudo apt install inxi -y inxi -Fxx -c 25 ### nmon Command line system monitor ### htop htop - system monitor bmon - network bandwidth/usage monitor app with stats and graphs # Folder sizes ## ncdu NCurses Disk Usage is a disk utility. Shows folder sizes in mc style. ncdu does exactly what you want and a lot more. You can even browse folders and also delete files directly. sudo apt install ncdu -y # Fun ## Zangband game Zangband is a free, cross-platform, single player dungeon inspired adventure game. It is derived from Rogue hence the reference, a roguelike game. Instructions of how to play it are written in detail on the homepage. sudo apt-get install zangband Visit Homepage: http://www.zangband.org/ # Tetris game Ascii Tetris game - bastet ## Term ascii screensaver https://askubuntu.com/questions/927441/how-do-i-install-asciiquarium ## Caca-utils play videos Play videos in ascii art - caca-utils - cacademo - cacaview - cacafire # Networking ## Public IP address dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com ## Find files sudo apt install locate -y sudo updatedb ## Show MAC arp-scan sudo arp-scan -l ## WIFI ### wavemon nice little wireless strength graph and ssid browser. wavemon --- to sort: nfs-kernel-server - mount a folder from your workstation on your PI, or vice versa. mp3blaster - great little stand alone music player for console watch - run a command continuously and monitor differences locate - find files (use "updatedb" to update the file catalog) shell codes Commandlinefu.com clf - commandlinefu search https://github.com/ncrocfer/clf https://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/matching/ping/cGluZw==/sort-by-votes sudo apt install youtube-dl [not working anymore 09:24 20.02.2024] Youtube donwload 2 youtube-dl 2 https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp